Sunday, 13 January 2019

The best way to blacken the hair: apply this 1 thing to hair, never white, and thousands of people adopted it.

The best way to blacken the hair: apply this 1 thing to hair, never white, and thousands of people adopted it.
In our present life, in the race-filled life, due to lack of proper care of the hair and pollution, our hair starts turning white in the meantime. However, due to stress, pollution, any illness, or even heredity, hair may become white too. There is no solution to this problem to paint hair. But you can prevent your hair from becoming white by adopting some home remedies. Today, you are going to tell you some of these home remedies.
Ayurvedic House Leap:
Ingredients: 1 kg Shuddh Mehndi, 25 gram sabut amor (big aamaria), 25 grams of amla powder, 25 grams of chicakai (aritha bea), 25 grams of aritas powder, 25 grams of beetroot, 25 grams beetroot powder, 25 gram bramhi, 25 Gram Bramhi Powder
Pour 5 liters of water into the cracking of iron and boil it for 3 to 4 hours after inserting all this material. After boiling, let it cool down, after cooling you can store it in the fridge. Twice in the first week, then once and again three times a month, and finally keep it twice in the month.
The hair will not be red, but it will look black. In this case, white hair can be found in this way with black hair that the watchers can not even guess.
Eggs and yogurt can also be used according to the requirement, so that hair can remain smoother. Make sure to massage the Ayurvedic oil in the head on the second day of this process.
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